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While we buckle up on this current roller coaster ride of life, it is a wonderful time to realize…. obstacles allow for opportunities!

Through the ever changing guidelines of limitations, it is expected we feel the obstacles of being restricted, confined and limited. Here’s a thought….How about you consider seeing these obstacles through the lens of opportunities?

Now is an ideal time to organize your thoughts to take advantage of time on your hands. It is my belief that the universe is speaking to us. Allowing us time of personal discovery, to reconnect, recharge and strengthen bonds with ourselves and others…with honoring social distancing of course.

Today I’d like to share how I jump start and maintain motivation, when feeling overwhelmed and “where to start” creeps in. For me breaking it down into steps makes all the difference.

It’s time to Start A Notebook:
As we practice social distancing and need to stay positive, I recommend starting a notebook to Organize Your Thoughts. I find it calms and motivates me.

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Grab a notebook or journal that you already have at home.

Create sections/Title Pages in your notebook/journal that best meets your needs. A few of mine are “To Do”, “ Project to tackle”, “Someday Dream”, “ Gratitude”, “Brain dump”, “Online Time”. Sometimes I like to make tabs for my sections for easy sorting. (pictured above)

Decorate or Not I like to add some color, my own creative flare. Washi tape, markers, gel pens and stickers makes organizing my thoughts more enjoyable. but here’s the thing it’s your notebook! Make it however you want!

No Pressure - Originally, when trying to make my notebooks look like bullet journals and prestige planners that I saw online, I was overwhelmed and intimidated…well that certainly defeated the purpose to feel calm, organized and productive with my thoughts. I decided MY way was the best….translated YOUR way is the best way! So messy, with mistakes, crossing out, it all works. The idea is to reduce pressure and reap the benefits of Organizing Your Thoughts.

Set up the notebook today with the steps above. If you can, sit tight on filling lists in. I have some tips and techniques on those parts too. By all means have at it if you’re feeling jazzed and want to write out the lists, thoughts etc. Remember this is YOUR notebook….YOUR way! My next post will include Next Steps. Enjoy the process!

Dear Readers create moments in your day that nurture and comfort you! What will you do?