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It’s a new day and I wake with my customary, now habit, smile before I open my eyes. My belief is that this practice jump starts my thoughts and sets the intention “I will find the good”, “I will make the efforts needed to keep the glass 1/2 full”, “I am filled with gratitude”.

During the past week, the second after I smile, my mind is flooded with anxious thoughts and I quickly calibrate: we are not living in typical times right now. We are in a world filled with a deadly virus, with restrictions to the likes of “nothing I’ve seen in my lifetime” my Mom shared yesterday.

As a result of these times, my efforts are met with resistance of my own doing. I then muster up a self pep talk and know, I must be more deliberate, more intentional and more focused to achieve the positive results. So through the overwhelming, tiring and downright crippling at times feelings of my anxious brain, now more than ever, I need to view life through a positive lens. I must process and practice what I know is helpful to me in maintaining a “steady on “ healthy emotional balance, today and every day.

Knowing for certain that I’m not alone with these feelings, I’ve decided to reach out with my personal thoughts, tips & techniques to ease these unsettling times. My goal is to bring comfort, support, reassurance and hopefully a bit of levity in some posts, to those thinking it’s just them. How I wish someone told me that 30 plus years ago. You’re NOT alone!

At this time when we are requested to stay apart, lets join together! Let’s find the good, be grateful, kind and compassionate….and by all means keep it going long after the strain has lifted. This is us…in training!

Be Well Dear Readers!

Take a look at the previous blog series I wrote, where I share my ideas to Connect With Your Life!
