what got me here
On June, 7th 2019 to the 5:13 AM rising sun, over the ocean splendor, (pictured above) I set my intention! A commitment that included making a change…to create my own job and touch lives! One that would help others find insight, motivation and accountability to get excited about their life.
“The sensation of feeling stuck, lost and needing a nudge to make a change, is a common occurrence for many of us. Over the years I have navigated those feelings (which marinated in anxiety for quite a while) through the highs, lows and everything in between. The moving forward strategies and practices I created for myself and began to share with close friends, quickly became something I couldn’t keep in. The hopes of helping others was my driving force!
As a co founder of an artist network group and participating in community organizations has provided a foundation where I’ve been able to facilitate and motivate others through the strategies of getting unstuck, organizing thoughts to be productive and incorporating essential self care practices to achieve tasks, goals and dreams. ….all supported with laughter, positive energy and heartfelt memories.
There are endless stories of my journey and looking back I can connect the dots of how I got to a better place. At the time it felt like I was treading water, not certain I’d survive. Now I know I had those experiences to be able to help others!
The act of connecting with people, reframing how we take on obstacles and seeing clients/workshop attendees have aha moments about their lives with lightness and levity is a palpable sensation …one that I treasure daily.”
Let’s Do This!
““True Life is lived when tiny changes occur.” ~ Leo Tolstoy”