Wellness Wednesday

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As many of you know, I recently had the pleasure of speaking with a reporter on behalf of Help and Hope Southcoast in regards to my own emotional journey about getting from “there” to “here” . You can read that interview here.

The organization’s tag line is End Stigma. Strengthen Mental Health. To me this statement holds great power to ease the questions of reaching out for help and what others will think.

Today, on this Wellness Wednesday, I share this remarkable resource of Help and Hope Southcoast with you and the assurance that you are not alone! Consider viewing their website to see all that they can offer on your journey.

Please remember, I am available to motivate through creative conversation in order to organize anxious thoughts and be productive, through tips, techniques and sprinkling your day with levity. Reach me here to learn more and put some steps in place for you.

As always, thanks for reading and I’m here to chat when you need support.

