Here’s the deal….positive contact with others (NOT the COVID way) is essential and at the same time a bit difficult for some of us to do comfortably. The need to recharge is also essential, so I am pulling the two together and offering an opportunity to do just that online. Doing our part to stop the spread.
Let’s connect, recharge, exhale and perhaps share a bit of laughter!
Sign up for: One or multiple - Wednesday evenings, Mid-Week Recharge via ZOOM. from 7:00PM - 7:45PM via email:
Topics will change each week and offer a loose guide. The over arching vision is to provide a place to land, listen, join in…whatever feels comfortable to you! I will share tips, techniques and personal stories of my journey with anxiety and how it makes me who I am….OK sometimes it makes me feel like a wet dish rag and I’m going to share that too. Keeping it real folks! I will offer my insight that encourages reducing stress, feeling motivated, sharing kindness and creating next steps to take on challenges….big and small.
However, be warned I will also share that it’s not always rosy and sometimes I want to poke people in the eye! Just sayin’.
Not sure where Mid-Week Recharge will take us, but come along for the ride….it’s sure going to be more heartwarming and positive than watching the news!
Dash me an email that you would like to join in and I’ll send you the ZOOM link by Tuesday prior to our get together on Wednesday evening.
As always, feel free to share my information if you know of someone who can use a boost.
I welcome your emails and invite you to follow me on Instagram mholme.yournextstep for random motivation.
We’ve got this!
Oh PS: for folks that are interested, but timid about ZOOM because you are not sure how it works, email me just the same and we’ll work it out. :)