My Discovery - Let's Get Creative...

The following blog post is part of a My Discovery theme. This week’s entry..…by incorporating CREATIVITY into our lives I believe it allows our minds to explore, organize our racing thoughts, soften the day to day struggles with a brief respite and bring a sparkle of lightness into our hearts!

When I need to jumpstart ideas, settle my anxious brain or satisfy my personal desire for paper, I make time for hands on creativity. Now here is my struggle Dear Readers….previously I stayed away from the idea of creative time because of my self imposed, almost mantra(ish) “yeah, you’re not the creative one”. Ugh the number we do on ourselves!

Knowing that approach of negative self talk never serves me well, I made a change. I decided to be aware of the stifling, negative thoughts of comparing my level of creativity to others and what the end result would look like. Instead I decided to provide myself time to “explore creatively” with NO JUDGEMENT and have a positive come back line ready, just in case.

My take away to share with you is this: The more I allow myself the opportunity to create, keep the negative self talk at bay…..I enjoy the time and process that develops, though that part didn’t happen right away…..I have discovered, I enjoy quilling, artful journaling and collaging. Each relaxes me and clears my mind of static from constant thoughts.

If the creative struggle is real for you too, but you feel like exploring the benefits, my suggestions would be:

  • Give something/anything creative a try.

  • Remove expectation that it must look a certain way.

  • If there’s negative self talk holding you back, in any area of your life…be ready with

    “I’m going to be kind to my awesome self”

Above images are mini collages I made. All the pieces are repurposed cards, magazine clippings, old stamps and stock images. (I thought a couple looked like me) Quick little side note…I used small pieces of cardboard, because it felt less intimidating than a larger canvas. Know thyself!

As always I welcome your feedback, questions or calls. Check out my contact page to be in touch.

My Best, Maria
