well being

Let's Get Living……

Discovery Made!

Following a recent 1:1 session with a client, I reflected on the clarity and steps she discovered. Through our creative conversation, questioning and list making, it was determined her recent vacation to ~ get away from it all ~ had so many aspects she could fill her days with back at home. I compiled the responses for her own list to guide, remind and motivate all she enjoyed while away.

The session before leaving on vacation we talked about a handful of ideas she could incorporate into the trip that embraced selfcare. Journaling, establishing an album on her phone that captured grateful moments and beauty, watching a sunrise….in addition we talked about making a list to keep track of what she enjoyed and made her heart smile. Take notice of situations that happened naturally, without anxiety or emotional struggles. What was she trying that was new, how it felt and would she do it again? Vacations can be time to explore!

Often avoiding out of the box situations feels like the easy answer (it’s that quick fix of not having to feel the panic and the yucky) but in the long run gets us stuck!

Try the exercise for yourself and see what you discover. Perhaps there are things that are really enjoyable while on vacation that can be incorporated into daily life!

Or how about the “Put Off”?!

“Oh I’ll put off using that pocket book until when I’m going somewhere special”. “I’ll save those nice dish towels for another time”.

I actually treated myself to a jumbo pack of jewel tone markers and journal books! ~ Self proclaimed stationary geek here! Picture me raising my hand!!!

Here’s the thing…how is it a treat that I bought myself these special items if I HAVEN’T USED THEM YET???

I’m “waiting for the right time”….UGH!

Dear Readers I am here to say NOW IS THE TIME!

Use those “Put Offs”!

Enjoy vacation adventures when NOT on vacation!


Save the toothpaste!

Wait! Close your eyes and smile first!.png

YUCK! Keeping it real and sharing that some mornings just start sour, even before getting out of bed. Not really sure how that happens. That whole “wrong side of the bed” really makes me wonder. Can anyone relate??

Several years ago I noticed this pattern of “first morning ughs” and realized it did not serve me well ! Waking and feeling down set the tone before I even put my feet on the floor. You can be pretty sure that nothing after that had a fighting chance of going well. “Someone squeezed the toothpaste in the middle”? ARE YOU FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME?!?! You get the larger picture I mean here, right?

If you can relate, you may want to give this a try… Here’s a practice I adopted years ago to jumpstart a positive start to my morning. Now those of you who have attended my talks know what I am about to say….wait for it….

Before opening my eyes in the morning, I Smile! :) Yup I put a big ole smile on my face and say something like “today I will look for the good and embrace the positive!” Doing this allows time for the endorphins from my oh so silly smile, to give me a mini boost.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this little tip is a “cure all” for the day. I’d bottle THAT real quick if it was. What I am saying is, each time we make a conscious effort for a positive thought/moment, we are sending an awesome message to our brain. Doing so allows ourselves a break from the “heavy”.

Throughout the day I may randomly close my eyes…good Lord not while driving… and repeat my morning practice. Another silly smile and another reminder that I’ve got this!

Come on give it a try:

  1. Close your eyes

  2. Put a big smile on your face…so big you feel it in your ears! Feel that flutter of “different”?!?

  3. Say something like “I embrace noticing the positive and will strive for a joyful heart”

  4. Open eyes

  5. Repeat at least 5-6 time a day

Extra Credit: When in another person’s company, and conversation is proving to be very challenging and stressful…go ahead close your eyes and do the steps above! It relives you momentarily from the stress of the person in front of you and there’s a comical bonus. Imagine the look on their face when they wonder what the heck you are doing??? After all we’re going for levity in our hearts!

For doses of motivation, guidance and sometimes quirky, follow me on Instagram.

Just imagine if we all master this now, once we are mask free there’s going to be a whole lot of visible smiles and lighter hearts for so many reason!

Thanks so much for reading and please reach out of you’d like to chat.